Who We Are
Our Mission
IEC's mission is a just, healthy environment and sustainable future for all Iowans.
We envision a state that is a leader in addressing climate change and creating resilient communities that embody Iowans' shared values of respect for all people and the environment.
Through education, advocacy, and coalition-building, we raise awareness, generate action, and create large-scale change. We work on federal, state, and local public policy issues to ensure a just, healthy environment and sustainable future for all Iowans.
IEC holds the following core values:
- Our greatest strength is our relationships, within our team and our diverse coalition.
- Our work is informed by science, data, and stories.
- We are a trusted voice, respected for our integrity and resourcefulness.
- Sometimes we educate and lead; other times, we learn and follow.
- We are inclusive.
- We are non-partisan.
- We listen to others.
Our Approach
For more than 25 years, the Iowa Environmental Council has been the largest environmental coalition in the state, leading the way in addressing urgent concerns impacting people and the planet. We are a nonpartisan alliance of diverse organizations and individuals working together to protect and preserve Iowa's environment.
The Council and its balanced, nonpartisan approach is unique, effective and well-respected. Our ability to gather the knowledge and expertise of our members, assemble diverse stakeholders, collaborate, create productive dialogue, and offer solutions are among some of our greatest skills.
Our Work
At our founding, IEC's main focus was water quality and land stewardship. In 2005, it meant becoming a leader in moving Iowa toward a clean energy future.
We believe Iowa can be a leader in mitigating the effects of climate change and becoming a carbon-neutral state. Measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change can and should also create new economic markets, increase community resiliency, reduce pollution, protect public health, and improve habitat. We will advocate for a just transition that allows people to realize the full value of Iowa’s land, water, and ecosystem services while securing a more resilient future for Iowa.
That future Iowa has:
- A healthy climate and habitat
- Diverse land uses
- A variety of economic drivers and opportunities for all Iowans
- Equitable access to public lands, outdoor recreation, and environmental education
- Equitable access to affordable, reliable, and clean sources of energy and drinking water
- The promise of a livable future for current and future generations
- An engaged public with equitable access to the democratic process
Our Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Working to protect the environment and preserve the only home we have is a mission driven by a belief in justice — justice for all to have access to clean air and water, justice for all children to have a livable future. Our belief in such equity extends, unequivocally, to belief in fairness for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
In 2020, IEC staff and board acknowledged the organization's role and the need for action, then identified opportunities for improvement. We began the necessary steps to address inequities within the organization and the environmental movement in Iowa. This work is ongoing and important.
Learn more about our work
The Iowa Environmental Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Funded by generous donations and foundation grants, supported by committed volunteers, and staffed by dedicated employees, we strive to create a state people are proud to call home.
View our Grants Policies here.