on Monday, February 1, 2016
“As goes Iowa, so goes the nation” says the old adage. Whether or not that holds true remains to be seen, but there is no doubt that as the first in the nation, the caucuses place Iowans in a unique and privileged position to shape our country’s presidential election.
Tonight, tens of thousands of Iowans from across the state will head to schools, churches, community centers and other locations to elect delegates representing their party’s candidate of choice. We hope you will be among them.
The caucuses also provide an opportunity to speak about the issues that matter most to you. As you discuss the candidates and their positions, speak up on behalf of Iowa – and our nation’s – water, land and air. Voice your concerns about the state of our natural resources, draw attention the many benefits of clean energy, and call upon your fellow caucus-goers to give weight to candidates’ commitment to these issues as you select a delegate.
The caucuses truly are an example of grassroots democracy in action – seize the opportunity to make your voice heard.
Find your caucus location
Democratic Caucus Locations Republican Caucus Locations
- clean energy
- sustainable agriculture
- water quality