New Report Indicates Exciting Growth for Iowa Wind Energy
by Nathaniel Baer on Thursday, March 30, 2017
We take pride in and work hard to support Iowa’s national leadership on wind energy, which delivers significant environmental, public health, and economic benefits across Iowa. The future of that leadership is strong. Major wind projects by Alliant Energy and MidAmerican Energy were approved last year and will be built across Iowa over the next several years. Key state and federal policies encourage wind development while the cost of wind has fallen dramatically in recent years.
The American Wind Energy Association has released a major study analyzing the economic impacts of wind energy growth between 2017 and 2020. AWEA was in Iowa on Tuesday to release the report with the Iowa Wind Energy Association, Gov. Branstad and Lt. Gov. Reynolds at a statehouse news event.
The report shows that Iowa is expected to be among the top 3 states by 2020 in every economic indicator examined. The economic benefits are the result of significant in-state wind development, which supports jobs, land lease payments, and property tax revenue. Wind development outside of Iowa also benefits Iowa with wind turbines and related equipment that is manufactured in Iowa and then exported to other states. Read the full report.

Highlights of the report for Iowa include:
- Over 17,000 wind-related jobs in 2020. 11,500 will be direct and indirect and nearly 6,000 will be induced. This is the third-highest wind employment of all states in 2020.
- Second-highest economic impact between 2017 and 2020 with an economic impact of $9.3 billion.
- Highest total property tax paid of all states in 2020, or $120 million.
- Second-highest land lease payments of all states in 2020, or $43 million.
- Second-highest total income, sales and prope,.kjnmhrty tax paid of all states in 2020, or $370 million.
These encouraging projections will become reality with the continued support of Iowa citizens and legislators. The Council looks forward to working toward each of these goals.
- wind power