Stormwater Best Management Practices
by Guest Blogger on Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Stormwater is a form of water we all deal with regularly, ranging from rain, snow, or even hail. As soon as it hits the ground, it either absorbs into the soil or flows directly into our local rivers, lakes, and streams. Too much stormwater can cause problems such as flooding, erosion, and pollutant transport. Stormwater controls can be installed in many places but the best place to manage stormwater is the spot on which it lands.
Collective implementation of stormwater management practices can make a difference in water quality across our state. Some municipalities have programs designed to help homeowners capture runoff from their roof, driveway, or event sidewalks to help reduce the number of pollutants being transported directly to our streams and rivers.
For example, the City of Des Moines offers a Stormwater Best Management Practices Rebate Program which provides an incentive for private property owners to install stormwater best management practices on their property. These practices help enhance the water quality of stormwater runoff while decreasing the amount of runoff that ends up in the storm drainage system. The City will reimburse property owners 50% of the total cost of the project, with a reimbursement limit of $2,000, provided the project meets the requirements of the program. .JPG)
The City of Des Moines also offers site visits to residents to help homeowners learn about the benefits of various practices, assess possible stormwater best management practices and locations, and provide a "whole site approach" to manage as much stormwater as possible. At many of these visits, we end up discussing practices the homeowner was unaware of but end up pursuing after learning more about them.
In Des Moines, the Stormwater BMP Rebate Program gives residents the tools to make a difference in our community. Please email to line up a site visit or visit our website today: Stormwater Subsidy Program. For those living in the great Des Moines metro, visit the Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District’s #RainCampaign for information about other stormwater management programs. Visit the Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership website to learn more about programs in other areas of the state.
The integrity of water quality rests in our hands and we must all collectively act together to implement the necessary measures to save and preserve it.
About the Authors
Environmental Engineering Technician | Public Works - Clean Water Program
Environmental Engineering Technician | Public Works - Clean Water Program
- flooding
- resiliency
- water quality