on Thursday, February 11, 2016
David Hurd, one of the Council's early leaders and strongest advocates, passed away Saturday, February 6, 2016. |
With the passing of David Hurd, Iowa – and its environmental and natural resources community – has lost one of its greatest leaders.
Dave was one of our Council’s earliest supporters, and served as president and on its board of directors during critical times. While Dave may have retired from the Principal as President, CEO and Chairman, he never retired from his community devotion and as and steadfast supporter of the Council and Iowa’s natural resources.
Dave was a visionary—I remember talking with him about what Iowa would be like for future generations. I also remember Dave urging the Council to cultivate new and younger leaders—very much in line with his often stated 1,000 year vision.
Dave's tenacity, passion, creativity, enthusiasm, and belief in people changed the community for the better. David once said he “would hate to think today, with the growing environmental issues all around us, where we would be as a state without the Iowa Environmental Council.” We hate to think where our natural resources and Iowa as a whole would be without Dave.
Dave, we thank you for all you’ve done for Iowa and its natural resources. You will be missed, and while we know there will never be another quite like you, we will honor your legacy by continuing to work with our members and partners to carry on your vision.
Dave's funeral is planned for Feb. 17, according to Hamilton's Funeral Home.
The funeral will be 10:30 a.m. at First Unitarian Church, 1800 Bell Ave. Seating is limited, according to the funeral home.
A community visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Capital Square atrium at Locust and Fourth streets. The ceremony will include a 6:45 p.m. Celebration of Life service.