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2025 Policy Fact Sheets

  • Iowans Need Commonsense Utility Planning: Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) is a process that requires monopoly utilities to regularly develop transparent plans for reliably and cost-effectively meeting future electricity demand. Iowa is one of only five states that does not have either an IRP, a long-term filing requirement, or some form of utility competition. DOWNLOAD THE FACT SHEET.

  • Natural Infrastructure Solutions to Flooding in Iowa: Natural infrastructure, also known as nature-based flood mitigation, uses natural features such as wetlands and floodplain reconnection to restore natural ecological functions. Natural infrastructure is extremely effective at reducing flood damage, is cost-effective, and provides additional benefits such as cleaner water and wildlife habitat. DOWNLOAD THE FACT SHEET.

  • Prioritize the Potential of Every Child: Lead Service Lines in Iowa: Every child should have access to safe drinking water. The legacy of lead service lines threatens the bright futures of children across Iowa, with impacts on their early development that last a lifetime. Iowa needs to act swiftly to protect our children from the risk of contaminated drinking water. DOWNLOAD THE FACT SHEET.