IEC's Alicia Vasto selected for new EPA's new Animal, Agriculture, and Water Quality Subcommittee

posted on Monday, May 6, 2024 in Water and Land News

IEC’s Water Program Director Alicia Vasto has been selected to serve on the EPA’s new Animal Agriculture and Water Quality (AAWQ) subcommittee.

The subcommittee was created following last year's EPA denial of two petitions seeking stronger rules for concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). The petitions called on the EPA to adopt rules that would have required more CAFOs to obtain permits under the Clean Water Act. In EPA’s denial of the petitions, the agency committed to forming the AAWQ subcommittee.

The AAWQ subcommittee will provide recommendations to EPA to inform the agency’s decisions on how to improve the implementation of the CWA permitting program for CAFOs or whether the issues raised in the petitions can be addressed through non-regulatory initiatives. The subcommittee includes representatives from the agricultural industry, environment and health advocacy, state and local government, and research institutions.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve on the subcommittee and represent the voices of Iowans that want to stem the tide of manure pollution in our state,” said Alicia in response to the announcement. “Despite having more CAFOs than any other state, Iowa proportionally has far fewer permitted facilities. I hope that as a result of this process with AAWQ, EPA will improve oversight and enforcement CAFOs.”

Vasto is the only Iowa representative on the committee, which includes leaders from across the U.S.

Read more about the AAWQ in the EPA's announcement.

  1. clean water
  2. clean water act
  3. land stewardship
  4. nitrate pollution
  5. phosphorus pollution
  6. sustainable agriculture
  7. water quality